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4 reasons why your services page is costing you clients

Clients & Customers

Is your services page holding you back? You know your website copy is important but is it important on your services page too? Oftentimes I see businesses neglecting their services page because they don’t know how to write the copy or can’t be bothered with the layout or design. Here are 4 reasons you should stop neglecting your Services Page today!

Are you leaving money on the table while neglecting your services page?

For a long time, I didn’t have a lot of strategy on my website. I thought the most important thing was to show people my work.

And in some cases that’s true. However, when your traffic starts to grow and you’re getting more eyes on them, you really need to think about your first impression.

These are people who come on your website because something was compelling. Maybe you have really good SEO, a catchy article, or maybe a past client referred you.

Whatever it is, this visitor does not know much about you. All they know is that you have something that they might need.

Let’s just use the example of an article that you wrote. Someone clicked on it because they thought it might help with their business. And they go through it and they really like the value that you gave them. (That’s implying that you have high-quality content on your website!)

After they’ve indulged in your wonderful writing, they look around your website because it looks intriguing. They notice you have a services page and they click on it. After looking through it, they realize at that moment that they may need help with this.

However, they aren’t totally ready and the page doesn’t have a lot of information. So they end up forgetting about you and hiring somebody else several months later.

How do you fix this problem and make sure that people who benefited from your content can stick around longer?

I’ll give you a few quick reasons why your services page might be costing you clients.

1. You didn’t add sales copy to the services page

If you already know that copywriting is important, sometimes the bigger misconception is that it’s only important on certain pages like the homepage.

The services page is usually the underrated page and therefore neglected. But why is that? This is the page that they see before they hire you! So why would you want to leave it practically empty?

Use the same rules as you would for a copywriting on your homepage. Have a headline that addresses your target market and how you can help them. Keep it short and catchy to grab their attention. After that, work on your description so you could go into further detail.

Think of it as a sales page because it is and make sure they know the benefits of hiring a professional.

This page doesn’t have to be as long as the sales page and it probably shouldn’t be. But a little bit more detail can go along way with converting a potential client into a paying one.

2. Your services aren’t clear

Two common problems for services pages: It is either bare and underwhelming or cluttered and confusing. It’s essential to have balance when providing information listing your services.

One option is to have only one service listed and it is packaged up nicely to include a number of different things. This is usually called your signature package and it will be the one that is sold most often. They should also be one of the most profitable services you have if you offer others.

Not only do you need to list deliverables but also the results (if it is not clear). In some industries, it can sound like jargon so make sure that a person who doesn’t specialize in your work can understand it.

The second option is to clean things up because some people have too many services or packages listed. Being on both the service provider side and the client side, I can tell you that this is usually a bad first impression. If I’m going to spend a chunk of money on a professional service, I expect a specialty.

I often see this mistake made with graphic designers. They offer everything under the sun either with too many packages or listed in a long exhaustive list.

The idea of packaging something neatly will show the potential client what your expertise is and the beneficial outcome of that.

3. There aren’t enough call-to-actions

This one is fairly simple but so often it’s just not done. Make sure it is easy for them to contact you for services.

Have a call-to-action button near the top of the page. And then when you have a description. Let them know again if they can contact you. Finally, have it at the end of the page when they’re done reading everything.

Make it so obvious and so easy for them to connect with you.

4. You aren’t giving them any follow-up

When they reach the bottom of the services page and realize that they are either not ready to hire you or they don’t have the budget yet, this becomes the end of the road.

You can stay in the back of their mind with something as simple as an opt-in. (Have them sign up for a free resource!) You can also have some sort of down-sell like an easy, low- priced product.

If you want to use an opt-in, make sure it is related to your services. Give them a little taste of how to solve a very specific problem.

You can also do something simple like sell templates, e-books, or digital downloads to give them an idea of your specialty and what they can do by themselves in the meantime.

This is a really easy method because you’re not trying to get a large volume of people. But you’re just getting those who are interested in what you do and turning them into clients later on when they’re ready.

So you don’t need any fancy sales funnels or launches. You just need to give them value through emails or products.

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Most of these you can implement in a day. Look it over and make sure that it’s easy for somebody to scroll through, read everything well, and take action.

Since not everybody is going to hire you after looking at your services page one time, it is really necessary to have another option for them.

When you don’t clutter your services page but you also have enough information, it helps the potential client remember what you do better. Your first impression is now positive and longer-lasting.

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