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Branding: Behind the Scenes of Food Blogger – This Babe Eats


Behind the scenes of what it's like to brand a food blogger. Learn about what happened, the results and what it takes. You'll also get tips from an influencer about how to reach success. Brand design, graphic design, logo, design inspiration
It was such a fun experience branding for a food blogger. It’s not too often that most of the photography in the mood board comes from my client’s own Instagram. It makes it almost effortless to design for someone who’s very in tune with her audience.

The final result was a brand identity that was bright, bold, confident with a lot of hints of a big city. If it were personified, it would be a busy woman who’s fast-paced and successful, a leader and also a trendsetter.

Here is a little preview. You can see more photos of this brand here.

See what the process was like designing a brand identity for food blogger and influencer This Babe Eats


After the branding was finished, I wanted to interview Kiera on her experience. And I’m sure a lot of you are really interested in how she got to this level of success with food blogging.

Tell us about how you got into this business.

This Babe Eats started as a hobby for me as I wanted to share the best food in Tampa with others through Instagram! Originally my brand was called Tampa Bay Eats Out and I only focused on restaurants in the Tampa Bay area, but after a few years I wanted to be able to share food and travel tips from wherever I was – sparking the name change to This Babe Eats.

What is your brand all about?

This Babe Eats is a brand that focuses on food, drink, & culinary travel and there are really quite a few aspects to it. First and foremost, I want to share the best foodie spots & tips with my followers. That is what my brand has been built off of, a relationship with my followers where they know they can trust my opinions and always come to me for recommendations. As my brand has grown I’ve been able to start working with restaurants and food brands on campaigns to help them reach my audience. However, I will only work with brands that I think my audience will truly be interested in and that I actually support.

Before working on your brand identity, what did you think it was going to be like?

I really didn’t have any expectations as this was my first time truly working to create a brand identity.

After going through the brand process, what did you learn?

I learned that there are SO many factors that go into creating a brand identity and I was thankful to be working with someone (Franzine) who knew all the questions to ask to really pull information out of me that I didn’t even know she would need!

How do your design and visuals reflect your brand?

They really embody the feel of my brand that I wanted to share but wasn’t exactly sure how to. They are fun but also organized, strong, and consistent.

How important was branding for your business and your audience?

As an influencer who is looking to expand into more avenues, it was really important to me to have a consistent feel across all my platforms and marketing materials. As my business grows, my brand needed to grow with it.

If someone wanted to do what you were doing, what advice would you give them?

Do your research and never stop learning. Social media platforms are constantly changing, and ways of working with influencers and brands are continuing to evolve as well. Authenticity is something that can get lost through social media so it is important to reflect that regularly if you want to really connect with your audience.

What was one key thing that helped you get to where you are today?

Consistency! Consistency really is key. You have to show up and work on your business every single day. As an influencer you need to be posting, engaging, and planning on a daily basis – if you don’t show up, your audience will forget about you.

Can you give some words of wisdom to someone just starting out but feeling lost or discouraged?

Owning a business is a roller coaster ride. There will be ups and there WILL be downs. You have to learn from your low points and power through them, not just give up.

If someone wanted to work with you, what can they do?

They can reach out to me at!

Where can we find you online?


Thanks so much for reading. To see more of our branding, go to my portfolio.

Need a rebrand or brand strategy? Check out my services page.

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