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How To Create a Homepage That Converts

Clients & Customers

Do you want visitors who land on your homepage to stay longer and become customers? I'll be sharing the secret on how to create a homepage that converts readers into customers, and it’s easier than you think.

Your homepage is a lot like having your own brick-and-mortar store. When people come to your site, you don’t want them lost or wondering what to do. This ultimately leaves potential clients confused, frustrated, and likely to never come back.

So how do you create a homepage that converts readers into customers? The secret is easier than you think. As you read this article, I want you to open your own website and take notes on where you’re successful and improvements you’ll need to make.

The Menu/Categories

How many menu items do you have on your homepage? Do they relate to each other? Is there a theme or consistency to your categories?

Your menu is one of the first things a reader will see when first coming to your site, aside from your business name and logo. What information do you want them to know and how can you serve them?

Your menu and categories are designed to help readers navigate your site quickly and with ease. Do you have a category on how people should contact you, for your blog, information about the services you provide?

If you find yourself struggling with creating a user-friendly navigation then I encourage you to visit some of your favorite websites and study how they have organized their categories. Take note of the flow of their services and content they create specifically for their ideal client.

Then use what you learn to implement on your own website.

Logo & Business Name

Can a potential client easily read your business name and logo?

Is it clear what service you’re providing your clients?

Your logo on your site needs to be clean, clear, and recognizable. You need to be transparent about what your business does and who you serve. Remember, your job is not to please everyone but to target the right group of people.


The headline of your site is above the fold, meaning this is what your reader sees when they first land on your website. What do you want them to know about you and your website? What do you want them to do first?

First impressions do matter in business and you want to make a great one. Don’t focus on what you think is cute but focus on what your ideal client wants and cater to them.


The right photo on your site can build trust based on first impressions.

Do you have a photo of yourself on your homepage? Are you smiling and is the photo professionally shot? If you don’t have a photo, are you aware of the clients you’re losing?

In his podcast, Darren Rowse of Pro Blogger tells a story of his wife being afraid to upload a photo of herself on her website. At the time she was struggling with traffic and growth as well. At the encouragement of her husband, she finally added a professional headshot of her smiling. Within a few weeks, she noticed an increase in traffic, readers were leaving comments on her posts, and her email list was growing.

People felt connected to her. If you don’t have a photo of yourself on your blog, then I challenge you to put one up before the end of today.


One of the main purposes of your site should be to drive your traffic to your email list. You want people on your list so you can build and nurture a relationship with them. Your email list will bring your business more money than any random visitor on your site.

Your opt-in needs to be specific and targeted towards your ideal client. How can you solve a problem they’re having? How can you add quality to their life? As you answer these questions begin to design an email opt-in based on what your potential client needs so they’ll be thanking you for thinking of them.

And speaking of opt-in, if you want your own copy of this information, you can download the guide below.


How can people know if they trust you? It’s good if you always have social proof on your website if you want to book someone quicker.

Those who are just starting out can leave this section blank for now. However, make it a habit to look out for positive feedback and results from your clients. Have you sent them something to look over and they were excited? Save that!

In order to grow, make sure you don’t lose your priority above all else to book your first few clients. Even 3 testimonials on your page is enough if you’ve changed their lives for the better.

Potential clients want to make sure they feel comfortable and that you are the expert that you say you are.

Contact Info

Is your contact information easy to find? Do people know how to get ahold of you easily?

If not, you’re losing out on potential business.

Never let a potential client hunt for your contact information. You can easily add a “contact” section on your top menu on the homepage where this information can easily be found and seen. Then, make sure to provide relevant information, such as an email address, phone number, and other information as appropriate.

Social Media

Social proof is significant and helps build credibility and drives sales. People are more likely to buy at the recommendation of a friend rather than a business asking.

You want to develop this friendship with your potential clients and readers by inviting and guiding them to your social media platforms. Although I recommend you create accounts for the big four (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter), don’t feel like you must focus on growing all of them.

You can invite your new email subscribers to join you on Instagram, or the platform of your choosing, where you’ll continue to build and nurture your relationship with them.

As you focus on creating a homepage that is easy to navigate, has clear categories, professional photos, your contact information readily available, and a way for readers to connect with you, you’ll begin to notice a higher conversion rate from readers into raving fans.

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