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The triple threat: mentor, muse & friend


Do you remember the era of *shiny* entrepreneurship? 

This is when I discovered the “big” names who would introduce me to the idea of building your own thing.

The message had the same theme back then:

You can teach any topic you know a lot about, and you’ll eventually grow an audience. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Like it didn’t matter that you might get attention from people in the SAME industry, but they assured us that you’ll also grow your audience enough to get clients. 🫠

Thinking this in today’s context, that advice is an unfortunate and roundabout way to get there. 

All that time could’ve been used to focus on a small, concentrated group that’s actually interested in what you offer.

Maybe you’ve been procrastinating because you were trying to build something that was someone else’s dream. 

The cute offices, team photos, big speaking events, passive income… it was all tempting until you thought more about what it meant you had to do.

Here’s the pickle though…

You’ve been putting more thought into finally starting (or getting more momentum) on your personal brand.

Maybe you dipped your toes and made a few videos, or wrote some content.

Whatever stage you’re at, there’s something holding you back.

One roadblock? Thinking you have to be a lecturer.

But the great thing about a personal brand is it lets you have a multifaceted business, with topics that YOU get to control.

You don’t have to stick to one role or one type of content.

Why not be a triple threat? Be a mentor, a muse, AND a friend to your audience.

The triple threat can be:

  • Mentor: Share your topics to guide or challenge +
  • Muse: Inspire creativity or action +
  • Friend: Let them feel seen and heard with storytelling that proves you’ve BEEN THERE

You can mix things up and keep your brand fresh and engaging. Not just for your audience but for YOU 😊

Here’s an example…

Some people are all about real-time sharing like external processors, while some (like me) prefer to process things before talking about them publicly. 

If I’m going through something at the moment, I probably won’t be sharing publicly until later.

Find a way to share your knowledge that feels natural to you, your perspective will flow more organically from it.

That’s how you’ll attract the type of fans you want.

So, don’t get stuck thinking you have to fit into a role that you heard about in 2016. Your personal brand is all about the real you with many layers – mentor, muse, and friend mixed together in a wonderfully messy way.


  1. Be the triple threat: Mentor, muse, and friend. Mix these roles to keep things interesting for yourself – it’s harder to fall off of something if you’re actually excited about it
  2. Talk about actual passions: What can you talk about for hours without getting bored? That’s your sweet spot.
  3. Share those opinions: Don’t just teach. Offer your unique perspective on things.
  4. Be naturally you: Consider your personality traits before you make commitments that might feel like heavy chores.
  5. Mind the audience: It’s better to connect with a smaller engaged group than a watered down big audience.

The goal is to create a brand that energizes you. If you’re bored, your audience probably is too. So keep it fresh and REAL.

Ask yourself what part of your plans cause procrastination because it was a dream that wasn’t yours to begin with?


The video:

Triple threats aren’t as complicated as you think. 

Simone Saunders does a great job of making therapy topics more accessible by showing her personality and behind the scenes in a way that’s relevant to her original message. 

It’s not just in this one video, it’s more about her entire account… I just really liked this video!

Try it: Mix it up this week so it’s not too lecturey and not too day-in-the-life. It might be easier than you think!


Resist the entrepreneurial urge to monetize this

Coffee and tea snob level 1 ☕️

Level one means you won’t roll your eyes and scoff at people’s sweet lattes but you start to notice the different roasts, origin (Guatemala for me), the way it’s processed, and of course how good it tastes on the first sip. 

If you have an espresso machine, you have even more work cut out for you, but if you like rituals that let you slow down and enjoy a drink, this is for you. 

And just as fun when you get into tea. Because there’s an art to it and much more than boiling water and pouring. Check out some matcha ASMR videos and you’ll see what I mean 🙂

Want to work with me?

  1. Founder Focus Session: Need fast action clarity? Book a consult to strengthen your personal brand.
  2. Fan Favorite Founder: Have a brand that needs proper strategy while working closely with you and your goals? Let’s get on a brand intensive.
  3. Fan Favorite Brand Builder: Need a quick guide to DIY? Check out the FF Builder

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