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What’s your content combination for your personal brand?


I don’t identify as a Scorpio.

Every time I see one of those cute graphics on Instagram with your Zodiac sign and something it pairs with, it never sounds like me! 

I’m talking furniture styles, summer activities, books to read, plants, whatever it is, I don’t relate.

I usually say something like that after someone asks what my sign is (usually after I shared something weird about myself).

And the response is often “but what’s your moon sign?”

I just looked it up and my moon sign is a Libra… so do what you will with that!

Anyway, just like personality tests, it’s usually not ONE type but a combination of things that makes us more unique. 

Enneagrams have adjacent numbers and Myers-Briggs has 16 different combinations.

Each type adds a unique dimension, helping to paint a more nuanced picture of who you are. It’s also wayyy more interesting.

It’s safe to guess I’m gonna relate this back to personal brands.

So let’s talk about a few combination “types” you might be when it comes to your content and personal brand.


The essential type: Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership is an essential of any memorable personal brand. Why?

Because this is your POV. 

Think of the leadership part as something in your industry or specialty but you have a fun or different approach to it. It’s awesome for a few reasons:

  • It showcases your big beautiful brain
  • You encourage discussion and build a community
  • It inspires others to think twice about something

From there, choose at one more to make your unique combination:

+ Educational: teaching and sharing knowledge through tutorials, guides, or latest news

+ Lifestyle: a little peek into your personal life, like routines, day in the life, or behind the scenes

+ Inspirational: get on people’s vision boards with things thatmotivate them like sharing success or personal growth

+ Storytelling: if you’re a talker or writer, use personal anecdotes and brand stories in an entertaining way

+ Values-Based: possibly controversial, because you’re sharing personal values like causes, politics, or spirituality – you should only do this if you’re super passionate about it and very much part of your personality


The brand: Good Girl Snacks

The example:

Thought leadership + lifestyle combo: they brought you behind the scenes from a snag in the business to a fun temporary solution

Prompts to try

  • Educational: here’s what you can do if you experienced _____
  •  Lifestyle: follow the fun vlog style of Good Girl Snacks
  • Inspirational: share how a setback helped you with another part of your business that was beneficial
  • Storytelling: use your favorite storytelling framework to introduce the setback, what you did, and the outcome
  • Values-Driven: make commentary on the setback and how it relates to the bigger picture (mindset, prayer, state of the world, politics, etc)


Ooh sorry, nothing for you this week! It’s on theme for me as it’s my kids’ last week before school starts. 

I’ve been practicing doing less to be present for the people I love most.

When was the last time you were able to do nothing and not feel bad about it?

Want to work with me?

Founder Focus Session: Need fast action clarity? Book a consult to strengthen your personal brand.

Fan Favorite Founder: Have a brand that needs proper strategy while working closely with you and your goals? Let’s get on a brand intensive.

Fan Favorite Brand Builder: Need a quick guide to DIY? Check out the FF Builder

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